Kurukshetra War – Day 11

The next day morning, the two sides again approached Bheeshma with garlands and sandalwood. Bheeshma told them he was thirsty, and the kings ran to get water. He refused their offerings, saying he could not accept objects of pleasure. Arjuna then invoked the Parjanya weapon and shot it to the right of Bheeshma.

Arjuna uses the Parjanya

The weapon created a stream of pure water that fell into Bheeshma’s mouth. The water was like nectar and satisfied Bheeshma’s thirst. Bheeshma then praised Arjuna, saying that he was like the Himalaya and with Krishna would perform deeds that even the Gods could not.

Addressing Duryodhana, the grandsire told him that only Arjuna had the knowledge of all the divine weapons. He asked him to attempt for peace to prevent the total destruction of the army. Suffering in pain from the arrows, Bheeshma went silent and everyone departed.

Karna then came to visit Bheeshma, who praised the son of Surya. He asked Karna to accept the Pandavas as his brothers and end the enmity. Karna refused, saying that he could not let down Duryodhana. Karna then sought Bheeshma’s permission and blessings to fight. Bheeshma then blessed Karna, who returned to his camp.

The Kaurava kings then turned to Karna and asked him to lead the army. Karna told them he would fight to defeat the enemies who are difficult for even the Gods to defeat. He then told that Drona, being the senior most, should be made the commander after Bheeshma. Duryodhana then requested Drona to lead the army.

Drona takes over as commander

Drona was then formally made the commander of the Kaurava armies and was honoured. He then led his side to the battlefield. Drona organised the Shakata or cart formation. The Pandavas made the heron formation to counter this. Seeing Karna in their ranks, the Kauravas gave up their grief over Bheeshma’s death and were confident.

The battle then started with Drona charging at the Pandava army shooting arrows. Dhrishtadyumna confronted and tried to stop him, but he could not. Soon Drona was massacring the Pandava army. Soon Arjuna, Bheema, and the other great warriors of the Pandava side attacked Drona.

Drona’s attack was so fearsome that the Pandava forces fled in fear. The aged Drona fought like a young man, shooting thousands of arrows in all directions. Drupada and Dhrishtadyumna fought with Drona, trying to stop him. Bheema fought with Vivinsati, who killed his horses and broke his weapons. Bheema picked up his mace and smashed Vivinsati’s chariot, killing his horses and charioteer.

Kripa fought with Dhrishtaketu while Satyaki with Kritavarma. Drupada fought with Bhagadatta while Virata took on Karna. Bhurishravas and Shikhandi hurled arrows at each other while the two demons, Ghatotkacha and Alambusha, fought using Maya.

Pourava attacked Abhimanyu and a fierce battle raged. Abhimanyu brought down Pourava’s standard and killed his horse and charioteer. When his bow was broken, Abhimanyu brought out his sword and charged at Pourava. Rushing into his chariot, Abhimanyu grabbed Pourava by the hair and dragged him out to behead him.

Jayadratha then attacked Abhimanyu. The two warriors fought bravely, using their swords to hit each other while defending themselves using shields. Jayadratha’s sword was stuck in Abhimanyu’s shield and broke. He then fled back to his chariot. Even as Abhimanyu raced towards him, Shalya flung a javelin at him.

Abhimanyu grabbed the javelin hurled at him and flung it back at Shalya. The force at which he hurled the javelin killed Shalya’s charioteer and made Shalya fall from his chariot. The angry Shalya charged towards Abhimanyu holding a mace but he had to face Bheema, who rushed at him.

Bheema and Shalya fought like elephants with their maces, creating sparks as they struck each other. Bheema struck Shalya with his mace, causing him to faint. Kritavarma took him away on his chariot.

Karna’s son, Vrishasena shot arrows all around, killing Pandava soldiers. Nakula’s son Shatanika took him on, but his bow was shattered. Draupadi’s sons came to their brother’s defence and fought fiercely with Vrishasena.

Seeing his side on the defensive, Drona attacked the Pandavas furiously. When Simhasena and Vyagradatta attacked him, he beheaded them. He then charged towards Yudhishtira. Arjuna then launched a terrible attack, showering thousands of arrows at the Kauravas. The sky became dark with the shower of arrows created by Arjuna.

A dust storm made it difficult to distinguish enemies from friends. Drona and Duryodhana then decided to withdraw since the sun was about to set. The Pandavas happily returned to their camp, led by the victorious Arjuna.

In the camp, Drona told Duryodhana that he would have defeated Yudhishtira but for Arjuna. He said that if Arjuna could be engaged in the battle, he would defeat and seize Yudhishtira. Susharma, the Trigarta king then took an oath along with his followers to kill Arjuna or die trying. They performed their own last rites. The Samashapatakas then took Drona’s permission to kill Arjuna.